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   NanoSOPI® 系列


Anti-aging Peptides Essence


北衛蛩s字第 10305171 號

一瓶除皺: 使肌膚潤滑、保濕、緊緻、保有彈性,明顯改善肌膚光澤,變得更加年輕。

        複合式胜肽抗皺精華液,為「複合式脂質超微粒結構載體發展之產品」,是由夏威夷豆油、棕櫚蠟、癸基葡萄苷、戊二醇、抗皺胜肽(Acetyl hexapeptide-8、Pentapeptide-18、Pentapeptide-3)、及賦形劑所混合調配而成,以自然素材為主,其中夏威夷豆油含礦物質、蛋白質、單元及多元不飽和脂肪酸,主要含有油酸(Oleic acid、Omega-9)、棕櫚烯酸(Palmitoleic acid、omega-7)、亞麻油酸(Linoleic acid、Omega-6)、次亞麻油酸(Linolenic acid、Omega-3)及三酸甘油脂(Triglyceride oil)。其中油酸具有保濕及抗老化之效果,棕櫚烯酸是一種必須脂肪酸具有親膚性,具有高度的滋潤肌膚作用,棕櫚烯酸不只能給予保濕滋潤,更是延緩皮膚以及細胞老化不可或缺的成份。此外三酸甘油脂主要為單元不飽和脂肪酸,這種油具有很好保養效果。另一方面,棕櫚蠟係「源自巴西東北部天然之Copernicia Cerifera種棕櫚蠟樹,由其葉子提煉出黃棕色之固體,素有蠟后 (Queen of waxes)之稱」,能調整油性製品之稠度,可增加皮膚光澤且對皮膚有柔潤效果。至於癸基葡萄苷(Decyl glucoside)「為一種溫和非離子型界面活性劑,由玉米及椰子所製備葡萄糖及脂肪酸醇所合成的,具有發泡穩定性、良好潤濕特性並能改良陽離子界面活性劑之調理效果」,此種界面活性劑亦具有維持皮膚水分均衡,使皮膚不易乾澀之功能,由於此種界面活性劑由糖類衍生而來,故極為溫和。此外「由椰子萃取之戊二醇(Pentylene Glycol)為小分子材料」,其保濕感佳並具潤滑功能。另外在本產品中加入抗皺胜肽,其中六胜肽如Acetyl hexapeptide-8,可減緩臉部紋路,效果良好,而五胜肽如Palmitoyl pentapeptide-18及Pentapeptide-3能協同膠原蛋白作用,達到肌膚緊實目的,與其他保濕成分相佐,可以加速緊緻之效果,因此使用本產品後會使肌膚潤滑、保濕、緊緻,同時使用後會使肌膚緊實、保有彈性,明顯改善肌膚光澤,變得更加年輕。
   The anti-wrinkle peptide nanolipid essence developed based on the concept of NanoSOPI is made of macadomia nut oil, carnauba wax, decyl glucoside, pentylene glycol, acetyl hexapeptide-8, peptapeptide-18, peptapeptide-3 and excipient. The ingredients are all natural. Among which, macadomia nut oil is a plant grown in the Hawaii area. Its edible nutscontain rich ω-3, ω-6, ω-7, ω-9 and other fatty acids that are essential to the human body, as well as rich linoleic acid and stearic acid, which can remove the free radicals and prevent inflammation. These ingredients have the functions of scar repair, tissue recovery, wrinkle removal, healthy skin maintenance and reducing damages to the skin due to dryness. The carnauba wax is from the natural carnauba wax of Copernicia Cerifera grown in the northeast of Brazil. The yellowish brown colored solid is refined from its leaves, known as the queen of waxes, which is composed of aliphatic esters, di-esters, hydroxy acids and behenyl alcohol.The main composition of the nanoparticles can adjust the viscosity of the oil-based products, increase the skin sheer, soften and moisturize the skin. The decyl glucoside is a kind of mild and non-ionic co-surfactant synthesized by the glucoses made from corn and coconut, as well as the behenyl alcohol. It is compatible with any kind of surfactant, possesses foaming stability and good moisturizing effect, and is capable of improving the conditioning effect of the cationic surfactant. This surfactant also has the function of maintaining the moisture balance of skin to prevent the skin from dryness. Moreover, as it is derived from the glucide,it is readily biodegradable, mild, gentle to the skin, and has low toxicity. The pentylene glycol extracted from the coconut is a kind of small-molecule substance with excellent moisturizing and anti-bacterial effect. The anti-wrinkle peptide added into the product can stimulate the contraction ability and strength of the collagenous fibers, thus rapidly changing the arrangement of the collagenous fibers and the facial contour, as well as reducing the wrinkles and increasing the skin elasticity. After you used our products, you can see the skin becoming more moist, smoother and firmer; later, you will find your skin tightened and more elastic;after one month of use, you will see your facial lines visibly improved with distinct contour.
NanoSOPI anti-wrinkle peptide nano-lipid is better for your skin and hence better for your life.

◆衛署字號:北衛蛩s字第 10305171 號
◆商品成分:夏威夷豆油、棕櫚蠟、癸基葡萄銦B戊二醇、抗皺胜(Acetyl hexapeptide-8、Pentapeptide-18、Pentapeptide-3)、及賦形劑所混合調配而成,以自然素材為主,其中夏威夷豆油含礦物質、蛋白質、單元及多元不飽和脂肪酸,主要含有油酸(Oleic acid、Omega-9)、棕櫚烯酸(Palmitoleic acid、omega-7)、亞麻油酸(Linoleic acid、Omega-6)、次亞麻油酸(Linolenic acid、Omega-3)及三酸甘油脂(Triglyceride oil)。

◆龍華科技大學 中央大學創新育成中心 產學合作

◆龍華科技大學 中央大學創新育成中心 產學合作

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